Senin, 25 Maret 2019

Personal Description

Hello my name is erika wanti, people usually call me erika but my close friends call me er or wanti. I was born in Jakarta 23rd November 1998. Im 20 years old.  My name is a combination between my father's and my mother's name. My father's name is eri and my mother's name is purwanti. I have 3 siblings 1 big sister, 1 big brother and 1 little sister. Both my big brother and sister are already married, my big sister has one daughter Shaqueela and she is so adorable. My big brother has 2 children Nadine and Nasyifa they only 3 years apart. My little sister is still in highschool.

I was raised in bekasi with my parrents but now i live in dorm in Depok because i continued my study in Gunadarma university majoring accounting. It was actually hard for me to adapt in a dorm because i used to live with my parrents my wholelife. But now im already in my third year and everything is become easier for me. Not only the adaptation but also i have friends that really care and nice to me, i really gratefull because they always help me in my hard time.

I always have a dream to travel around Indonesia with people that I love. Maybe you are wondering why travelling around Indonesia? You already live there. Well I want to explore the place that still unknown by common people, I want to explore it and spread the words to another people about how great the place is so it will open other people eyes that Indonesia can be like another country that have beautiful tourism spot and it make them want to visit Indonesia and the locals can love Indonesia more than ever. I think that’s all I can tell about myself, I hope that I can graduate from college on time and my dream to travel around Indonesia will come true. Thank you for reading I hope you guys always bless